A Letter to my Beautiful Daughters—
Motherhood has been the most exciting and challenging journey thus far in my life and I wouldn’t change a thing.
Words are not enough to express the bond that exists between us. The love I have for you is unconditional.
You inspire and challenge me to conquer my doubts and fears and to be the best version of a mom I can ever be.
What you have taught me is to be more patient, because you are striving to be independent as you are already racing towards the future. To be more loving by appreciating all the sweet kisses, cuddles and gentle hugs you give me; to feel unapologetic for holding you every moment I can. To remember my inner child so that I can role model authenticity for you and to enjoy playing, having fun and laughing with you. I want to appreciate and cherish each and every moment with you as you get older and I want to fill my heart with all of these beautiful memories and never let them go.
There is no rule book in raising you but what I hope to instill in you both is to be loving, be a kind human, have confidence in yourself, love yourself and have the persistent drive to accomplish anything your heart desires.
As I proudly watch you grow each and every day into beautiful strong girls, I want to thank you for giving me the purest form of love and joy.
I am so proud to call myself your “Maman”.
Je t’aime,
This year for Mother's Day, we want to emphasize the importance of motherhood, in its many shapes, sizes, and circumstances. We will be showcasing a few of the various types of maternal love we are privileged to witness in our Stitch World. While there are so many ways to mother, we're shining a spotlight on the magical moms around us.